钓鱼的猎人 发表于 2014-10-6 15:49:00

动物动画运动技术解析训练视频教程 Animation Mentor Creating Weight in Four-Leg...


本视频教程是由Vimeo机构出品的动物动画运动技术解析训练视频教程,Animation Mentor Creating Weight in Four-Legged Walks,时长:58分,大小:360 MB,MP4高清视频格式,语言:英语。

Animation Mentor Creating Weight in Four-Legged Walks
Tom Gibbons, Animation Supervisor at Tippett Studio, explains the theories on weight and physical movement. Tom teaches animators through Maya references and presents his personal workflow techniques, tips, and industry tricks — with a special emphasis on portraying weight and convincing physical movement unique to quadruped characters. Armed with this knowledge, animators learn how to achieve a variety of weights and physicality in quadruped walks using the same rig.


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视频教程 Maya
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