
标题: 《电气控制设计软件》Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2013 SP1 [打印本页]

作者: 钓鱼的猎人    时间: 2012-9-28 16:55
标题: 《电气控制设计软件》Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2013 SP1

AutoCAD Electrical软件是面向电气控制设计师的AutoCAD 软件。AutoCAD Electrical设计软件专门面向电气控制系统,包含AutoCAD的所有功能,以及一整套电气CAD特性。它包含完备的符号库和工具,能够实现电气设计任务的自动化,帮助节省大量时间,因此电气工程师能够将更多时间用于创新。

要想在全球市场中获得成功,电气控制设计工程师不能再依赖通用软件来完成设计工作。AutoCAD Electrical 提供的工具,能够快速、精确地设计控制系统,同时节约大量成本。

AutoCAD Electrical是专为电气工程师而设计的AutoCAD软件,可以创建和优化电气控制系统。自动化作业和完备的元器件符号库够帮助您提升工作效率、减少错误并向制造部门提供准确的制造信息。
与AutoCAD基本平台相比,AutoCAD Electrical软件可自动完成众多复杂的电气设计、电气规则校验和优化任务,帮助您创建精确的、符合行业标准的电气控制系统,显著提高设计和生产效率,有助于提高产品的竞争优势,帮助企业赢得市场。

工程师在进行电气系统设计时,如果没有专业化的电气设计平台,则经常面临大量的手工对比、统计和修改工作 ,费时、费力且高风险,严重影响了生产效率。AutoCAD Electrical软件是专门面向电气控制设计工程师的AutoCAD软件,其包含了大量专业的电气设计功能,能让用户在熟悉的AutoCAD环境中高效而可靠地完成电气设计工作。最新实验统计的数据表明:从AutoCAD转向AutoCAD Electrical可以将生产效率提升80%。* AutoCAD Electrical可以帮助电气行业的广大客户以更低的成本、更快的速度将更可靠的产品推向市场。

工程师使用通用软件进行电气控制设计时,很容易造成电气关联错误和数据不统一。如能在生产环节之前将这些错误消除,则可以极大地提高企业的竞争优势。AutoCAD Electrical具备实时的电气规则检查功能,可帮助电气工程师在线诊断错误,并在输出生产数据之前回报所有电气错误和隐患,从而确数据的可生产性,避免成本浪费和工期延误。AutoCAD Electrical还支持国内(GB)和国际电气行业标准,也可对设计数据进行标准和语言的装换,有助于将产品直接推向全球市场,参与国际竞争。电气控制行业主要的元器件供应商为AutoCAD Electrical提供了350,000多个标准的元器件符号(包括3,000多个智能PLC I/O模块),构成了软件的全面的制造商标准件库,可以支持用户进行一致的、基于标准的设计。

设计完成后,与制造部门共享准确的设计数据和元件信息显得十分重要。使用非专业的软件来创建关键的明细表、BOM表和自/到导线列表,会浪费大量的时间和资源。AutoCAD Electrical包含强大的自动报告工具,可以确保与下游用户实时、准确地共享设计数据。此外,AutoCAD Electrical与Autodesk数据管理软件紧密集成,有利于高效安全地交流设计数据,便于设计团队与制造团队及早开展协作。

AutoCAD Electrical支持电气设计与机械系统的集成,便于他们使用Autodesk Inventor软件与团队成员直接轻松共享线缆与导线电气设计意图,向数字样机添加电气控制设计数据。用户还可以从AutoCAD Electrical直接发布DWF文件,与客户、供应商与其他外围团队成员进行安全的二维与三维设计协作。各个团队都可以利用免费的 * Autodesk Design Review软件来管理和跟踪数字样机中的所有元器件——完全以数字方式审阅、测量、标记与跟踪设计变化,从而更好地复用关键的设计数据、管理物料清单(BOM),加强与其他团队及合作伙伴之间的协作。

To succeed in today’s global marketplace, electrical controls designers can no longer afford to rely on generic software applications to get the job done. AutoCAD Electrical software delivers the tools to help design control systems quickly and accurately with significant cost savings.

AutoCAD Electrical is AutoCAD software for controls designers, purpose-built to create and modify electrical control systems. Automated tasks and comprehensive symbol libraries help to increase productivity, reduce errors, and provide accurate information to manufacturing. Stay ahead of the competition with AutoCAD Electrical software, which offers significant productivity gains over AutoCAD software by automating many of the complex tasks associated with creating accurate, industry-standard electrical control systems.

About Autodesk Inc.

Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries—including the last 16 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects—use Autodesk software to design, visualize, and simulate their ideas before they’re ever built or created. From blockbuster visual effects and buildings that create their own energy to electric cars and the batteries that power them, the work of our 3D software customers is everywhere you look.

Through our apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android, we’re also making design technology accessible to professional designers as well as amateur designers, homeowners, students, and casual creators. Whether it’s a kid looking to build a new contraption, a seasoned pro sketching out a great new idea, or someone who just wants to amp up their creative output, we’re taking technology originally built for movie studios, automakers, and architectural firms, and making it available to anyone who wants to create and share their ideas with the world.

Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art 3D software for global markets.

autocad electrical 2013

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