
标题: 《同步建模技术软件》Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP04 32bit & 64bit Upgrade [打印本页]

作者: 钓鱼的猎人    时间: 2012-3-26 19:53
标题: 《同步建模技术软件》Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP04 32bit & 64bit Upgrade

Siemens PLM Software推出了Velocity Series系列产品的核心组件Solid Edge with synchronous technology。Solid Edge ST是集成了用于数字化产品开发的无历史纪录、基于特征的突破性同步建模技术的第一个版本。Velocity Series产品开发副总裁Bill McClure指出:"现在集成到Solid Edge中的这一新的同步建模技术可以称为是近20年里震撼CAD行业的最重大的技术。它将直接建模的速度和灵活性与参数化设计结合到了一起,使Solid Edge成为了最完善的基于特征的二维/三维CAD工具。"
Solid Edge ST的五大新特色
Solid Edge ST在以前的基础上重新定义了3D设计的规则,可以快速建立和编辑几何模型。在灵活的系统中,拖动孔之类的主要"设计驱动因子",设计的其他部分会根据更改自动进行调整,不需要重新计算特征。Solid Edge通过以下功能实现了此目标:
·Office 2007风格的全新用户界面和重新设计的资源查找器,可进一步提高生产效率
Solid Edge ST使用了一套精简的命令结构且没有特征相关性来提供更为流畅和灵活的设计体验。用统一的2D/3D命令体系结构可以独立于3D几何体绘制2D轮廓草图,简化了建模步骤。然后可以使用轮廓或区域,在3D建模窗口中直接生成3D几何体。每次更改后不需要等待重新计算"特征树",免去了任何预先计划工作,生成的特征得到记录,彼此没有相关性。因此。另外还有一个优点是能够按任何方式对特征(按类型或字母顺序)排序或分组,而且不会破坏模型完整性。为了完善这个新的设计理念,Solid Edge 重新设计了用户界面,它基于Microsoft Office 2007,可以更直观地学习和使用Solid Edge ,效率也更高,进一步增强了设计体验。
同步建模技术能提供与基于历史记录的系统相同的智能水平,但建模和预先计划工作要少得多。例如,绘制2D轮廓草图时,在添加了几何或尺寸关系(可选)后,"动态规则"会自动识别和维护3D模型中的几何关系,如同心圆、面对齐和相切等。如果移动了一个孔,任何同心或相切的面都将保持原有关系,即使在设计过程中忘了添加这些关系也不会出错。参数化设计能力在Solid Edge ST中得到了保留。可以使用变量表中的公式确定参数或直接向3D几何体添加关系进行可预测的更改。
Solid Edge ST可以直接使用各种独特的"随时取用"工具对模型进行修改来帮助在设计过程中进行快速的可预测更改。在选择一个面,以便启动移动、旋转和/或面对齐操作时,会显示一个独特的多用途手柄,称为"操作轮",只用将几何体拖动到新位置即可。原先的特征编辑只可以在特征创建顺序的制约下进行更改,现在Solid Edge 已经摒弃了这种复杂的方式。2D区域上也有类似的拖动手柄,可以将2D草图方便地转换为3D模型。这个过程现在变得极为简单,即使不熟练的用户也可以轻松地更改设计。例如,"推理逻辑"用于决定何时添加或删除材料:拉动外部轮廓时,将会添加材料;选择内部轮廓或区域时,如果移动光标穿越模型,则将删除材料,如果将光标背离模型,则将添加材料。Solid Edge神奇的开放轮廓(Open Profiles)功能将自动推断特征边界,因此不必将相交面手动修剪为相邻模型表面。所有这些功能共同带来了快100倍的设计体验,能提供业界最佳的模型单位成本((CPM)指数。

Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP04 32bit & 64bit Upgrade

Solid Edge is an industry-leading mechanical design system with exceptional tools for creating and managing 3D digital prototypes. With superior core modeling and process workflows, a unique focus on the needs of specific industries, and fully integrated design management, Solid Edge guides projects toward an error free, accurate design solution.

About Siemens AG

Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate, the largest of its kind in Europe. Siemens has international headquarters located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen. The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy, and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions. Worldwide, Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 76.651 billion euros for the year of 2009. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001.

Solid Edge Overview

Solid Edge, a core component of the Velocity Series portfolio, is the most complete hybrid 2D/3D CAD system that uses synchronous technology for accelerated design, faster change, and improved imported reuse. With superior part and assembly modeling, drafting, transparent data management, and built-in finite element analysis, Solid Edge eases the growing complexity of product design.

Solid Edge modeling and assembly tools enable your engineering team to easily develop a full range of products, from single parts to assemblies containing thousands of components. Tailored commands and structured workflows accelerate the design of features common in specific industries and you ensure accurate fit and function of parts by designing, analyzing and modifying them within the assembly model. With Solid Edge, your products come together right first time, every time.

Solid Edge is the only mainstream mechanical system that merges design management capabilities with the CAD tools that designers use every day. Solid Edge customers have a choice of scalable product data management solutions that manage designs as quickly as they are created. Practical tools for managed collaboration help to better coordinate design team activities and remove the errors that result from miscommunication.

Taking advantage of Solid Edge's family of modular and integrated solutions, they are first to benefit from the CAD industry's most functional innovations, first to complete their designs, first to market with an error-free product.

Product and process complexity is a growing concern for manufacturing organizations. Thousands of companies around the world have come to rely on Solid Edge to battle this increasing complexity head-on. Taking advantage of Solid Edge's powerful design with insight approach, they are first to benefit from the CAD industry's most functional innovations, first to complete their designs, first to market with an error-free product.

With superior core modeling and process workflows, a unique focus on the needs of specific industries and fully integrated design management, Solid Edge helps guide your projects toward an error-free, accurate design solution.

Name: Siemens Solid Edge
Version: ST4 MP04 ( 32bit & 64bit Upgrade
Creator: www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 232.2 mb






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