

钓鱼的猎人 发表于 2018-12-14 10:44:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

本视频教程是关于Krita数字绘画基础技能训练视频教程,时长:4小时38分,大小:2.8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附源文件,共37个章节,作者:Widhi Muttaqien,语言:英语。

Krita瑞典语的蜡笔、来自动词“rita”)是一个位图编辑软件,KOffice套装的一部份。包含一个绘画程序和照片编辑器,Krita是自由软件,并根据GNU通用公共许可证发布。KOffice组成的一部分第一次发布。在公开发布前,它被称为KImageShop,然后改名为Krayon,是出于法律的原因改变名字。Krita的设计强调建立新的图像,而不是修改现有照片。它受到Corel Painter一定程度的影响。

Krita Studio绘画与图像编辑软件V4.0.3版:


Krita is a graphic application comparable to Photoshop, Gimp, CorelPainter, etc. But unlike Photoshop, Krita is an open source project, so anyone can use Krita without having to pay anything for the software license. Krita was built from the ground up as a digital painting software first in mind. That is why if you want to create drawing or illustration, Krita will me make you feel right at home.
If you never use Krita before and you want to master it fast. Then this course is your best solution. It is designed for complete beginners, so no experience needed at all. Or, if you used Photoshop before and you want to move to Krita then this course is for you also. Because in this course I will mention a lot about Photoshop’s comparable features when explaining the features inside Krita.
We will cover a lot of things In this course. But we will start from zero, and that is the general computer graphic concepts such as the difference between raster and vector, color models, bit depth per channel, etc. Then I will explain how to make Krita runs smoother and how to set up drawing tablets for optimal result. So yes, you will need a drawing tablet to really gain the maximum benefits of using Krita and to gain benefits from this course.
After that, we will cover the basic features of Krita. From how to work with documents, how to customize the UI, how to navigate the canvas and then learn how to use the brush tool. Next, we will learn about how to work with color such as selecting color and picking color from the existing colors. After that, we will learn about layer and different properties of layer such as alpha inheritance, opacity, blending modes, group layer, etc. These layer features are essential to make crafting complex artwork much easier and manageable. Next we will discuss about selection. And after that we will learn how to customize Krita even further for faster digital painting workflow. We will then cover basic shading concepts and shading methods while doing a skull illustration project from start to finish. After the skull project we will learn more advanced techniques and strategy while we do a hands on project creating this tree on a hill illustration from sketch to the final artwork. I will teach you a very versatile non-destructive workflow that will allows you to create many different variations of artworks from a single artwork fast. This is very important in a fast paced production such as in the game industry for example.

Krita Studio绘画与图像编辑软件V4.0.3版:


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